Whether you love your job or not, that lunch hour is a welcome break. Sometimes you just need to step away from the stress and other times you simply need to get the blood flowing if you have an office job that requires little moving about. If you are tired of going to the breakroom for that now warm sandwich you’ve carried to work, you might want to do something different tomorrow. Perhaps you are tired of hearing the complaints of your fellow workers who are totally dissatisfied with their work or bosses. For whatever reason, you are just looking for a fun way to spend your lunch hour. Have you tried these five things?
1. Go to Lunch with a Friend
Sometimes, all it takes is getting away with a friend who isn’t employed by the company you work for. A change of scenery and conversation is a welcome break. Why not choose someplace to meet for lunch where you know you’ll get fast enough service to return to your job on time. Talk about anything and everything unrelated to the work you do.
2. Share a Few Memes on Social Media
If there is no place close enough to get away for an hour, why not find a quiet spot to eat while browsing through your social pages. Post a funny meme on Facebook you know your friends will get a big kick out of. You can find hundreds of them on sites like LOL HIT and watch how quickly they go viral with your friends and followers. That’s half the fun!
3. Make Evening or Weekend Plans
We all look forward to nights and weekends when we can spend doing the things we really enjoy. Why not call a friend or your significant other to make plans to do something you’ve both been dying to try? From paintballing to rock climbing, there must be something fun you can plan which will bring a smile to your face for the rest of the day.
4. Play a Gag on a Co-worker
Playing gags on co-workers can be loads of fun. Before you leave your desk, print up a funny memo you found on the Internet and place it on the desk of a co-worker or two. Try to get back earlier than they do so you can see your reaction when they read the jest. Sometimes you can disguise it as a memo from above and other times you can make it sound like a serious news article even though what you’ve printed couldn’t be possible in a million years. Remember, the funnier the better so that it gets a smile out of them as well.
5. Feed the Pigeons and Squirrels
As silly as this sounds, you can actually have a great time sitting outside watching the antics of those pesky little flying or crawling creatures as they begin working their way closer and closer to you as you throw out morsels for them to enjoy. Watch as they begin squabbling for those bits of food and before long, you might even get to see them snag a piece and head for the hills.
There are so many ways to have fun on your lunch hour to take your mind off the problems you’ve been dealing with all morning long. Whether you simply need a break from the monotony or need a good laugh to break the stress, use your lunch hour to have a bit of fun and the rest of the day won’t seem so very long.
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