When you get engaged to the person you want to spend the rest of your life with, it truly is a time of celebration. Your upcoming wedding day will be a chance for you to both declare your love for one another in front of all of your friends and family, as well as an opportunity for an amazing party.
The only drawback to this is, of course, having to pay for it all. The stress of wedding planning and the associated costs can put a lot of strain on a newly engaged couple, and in some situations that strain can last into the beginning of the marriage.
To prevent this, and provide some peace of mind to happy couples, we’ve gathered together useful advice to ensure you’re covered on the big day and have stable finances in the future.
Learn how to save
There are loads of easy ways to build up your savings for the big day and help to offset some of the costs.
For example, at the end of each month before payday, take everything you have left over from your last pay cheque and put it into a savings account. This will let your savings build quickly and teach you to be responsible with money as well.
Think outside the box
Many people will fall into the trap that dictates the more money you spend on a wedding, the better it will be, but the truth is you can find cheaper alternatives to the things you want that won’t break the bank. Going online and getting some ideas on how to save money on a wedding is a good place to start and can get you thinking about budgeting in a smart way.
For example, when it comes to flowers on the tables for your guests, you can do this yourself instead of spending a vast amount of money on a professional florist. Use recycled glass bottles as vases and buy in flowers from your local nursery, putting the arrangements together with ribbon from your local arts and crafts store.
Get a loan to help you out
When other resources are exhausted, financial assistance can be found in the form of a personal loan. Personal loans can be obtained from traditional banks, though many crowd-funded lenders and other online lenders such as MaxLend.com are also available. Online lenders typically have an online application process, and can direct deposit funds to your account – so if you’re already busy running around with wedding planning errands, choosing an online lender may help to save you time. Before deciding on a loan and a lender, make sure to discuss yours and your partner’s ability to repay the loan on time.
Get the guests to help out
There should be no shame in asking friends and family for financial assistance. Guests tend to spend on their gifts to the newlywed couple, so why not ask for a monetary contribution instead of bulking up your wedding registry? This money can go straight into savings or paying back your loan and make things much easier going forward. Many guests are likely to understand the costs that go into a wedding, and can gain satisfaction from knowing they are helping to ease any financial burden.
To read more on topics like this, check out the weddings category.
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