Being active and involved in sport has been one of the most important factors to improve social and cultural learning experiences for years. However, it’s common that boys take a stronger liking to sports from a younger age than girls do, which means that eventually, women play less sports.
Being active and taking part in physical sports can play a strong part in increasing levels of confidence and self-esteem. It’s often found that those who enjoy a certain sport or take up sport as a hobby or past time have lower levels of anxiety and depression.
It doesn’t stop at depression and anxiety either. When girls and women get involved in sports, they tend to have a much more positive body image and experience higher psychological well-being than those girls and women who don’t practice a sport.
As not all of us naturally gravitate to sports, we might ask ourselves how we can motivate ourselves to take one up. Read below for some key help and advice on improving our mental health by being more active.
Boost Your Mood Through Sport
It’s well known that by taking up any form of physical activity, those feel-good endorphins will be triggered. The chemicals that are released instantly give you that feel-good factor, bringing on happiness and positive emotions.
And it doesn’t have to be a full-on game of women’s football to release these feelings. Even a game of catch in the backyard with your dad or going for a jog around the block with a friend can do this.
Think about getting on your feet and putting your best foot forward. It’s all about increasing your heart rate while having fun. Then, watch your mood slowly improve.
Dress for the Occasion
There’s something about dressing for the occasion when learning a new sport that gives you that feeling of superiority. If you’re quite energetic, look at joining a running club or set yourself running goals on a nearby popular running route. However, by wearing proper running shoes, leggings and sweatbands, you’ll really feel like you are part of something positive.
This rule still applies if you’re not interested high-energy sports, too. There are many slower paced women’s sports like golf, yoga or even fishing that will still provide you with those much-needed endorphins.
For example, golf requires patience, arm strength and a good aim, which takes good practice. You could head out onto your local golf course with a bunch of other women and use it as a good opportunity to catch up on the latest gossip, too! You can get some smart and stylish womens golf apparel which will help you really get into the role of a female golfer, too! Check this website for some stylish options.
Improve your concentration
When you immerse yourself in regular exercise, it can drastically improve your mental alertness. This covers everything from critical thinking, focusing, concentrating and learning new things. It has also been found that, by taking part in physical activity more, you may be able to help prevent the development of certain cognitive and neurological disorders, such as Alzheimer’s.
Get yourself outside, pick up a bat, ball or club, and have some fun!
Boost your sleep quality
Women need their sleep not just for regenerating your mind and body, but also for letting your skin heal and renew. With that in mind, have you noticed how much quicker and easier it is to fall asleep after you have enjoyed a good workout or game of sports?
When physical activity makes your body and mind tired, you will naturally fall asleep faster and slip into a much deeper sleep. This improves the quality of the sleep you are getting, which will contribute to how awake and energized you feel the next day.
Above all, being more active and involving yourself in women’s sports can massively affect your mental health in a positive way. Not only will playing team sports give you the perfect opportunity for social interaction, but it can reduce stress and boost your mood.
Whether it’s Yoga, Pilates, golf or football, any exercise will benefit your mental health, energetic or slow-paced. You’ll always reap the many health benefits, and you should have some good fun doing it, too!
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