If you want to further your education to change careers or advance in your own, who says you can’t do so just because you have left school and college? If an opportunity has arisen for you to further your education or your career, there may never be another right time to take this chance. Planning around your busy family life and work as a student is possible, you just need to be organized and have a good support network. If you’re planning on studying as a mature student, here are six top tips.
Everyone who is planning to study needs to set a schedule. There is no use in making one if you are not going to stick to it though, so if you are a serial procrastinator, ensure you have this under control before studying. Scheduling time for class, work and socializing is essential to make sure that you don’t end up in a mad rush with a million things to do and no time to do it! That is how breakdowns happen and can lead to you feeling overwhelmed.
Manage that Budget
Students often have to manage a budget as it is, but if your education can be done alongside working, this makes life a little easier. Create a personal budget including tuition fees and any school expenses so you can see how much you have left over for family life and holidays. Some courses are available online which can cut the cost dramatically.
Prioritize When Necessary
If an important exam is coming up or you only have a week left to finish your assignment, learn to prioritize. Date night or that movie with your girls can always wait, but your education is important, and you need to put your best effort in. It may mean missing out on some events, just remember it isn’t forever and it is for the greater good. It also helps if you love your course!
Consider Studying Online
When we choose to study later in life, most of us don’t have the free time that we had in our late teens and early twenties. We have careers and families to take care of, and also need to pay for things like our rent and mortgage. Rather than taking a traditional degree, it can be a better idea to study online instead. This can help you to study at times that suit you without needing to neglect your normal life. You may be surprised to discover the degrees you can do online too! Everything from nursing to teaching degrees can be completed from home. For more information check out this link: https://www.marianuniversity.edu/degree/special-education-mae/.
Take Time for Yourself
Being a student is a stressful time in anyone’ life, therefore taking time for you is essential. Balancing too much at once can damage your mental health, so take time away from both studying and working without feeling guilty.
If everything is too much and you are trying to prioritize your degree work, but you need to do the washing, pick up the children from school and you haven’t been to the gym in over a week, then it may be time to delegate some tasks. This can be tough if you usually like doing things yourself, but friends, family and your partner will be more than willing to help with what they can, such as chores. If you can find a parent that lives nearby to help with the school runs, this could free up a little extra time each day for studying.
Following these top tips can help you have a life and still find the time to study. If everything is getting too much, take a step back and ask for some help.
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