Before you expect new employees to do well, you should try to mentor them first. Make sure they understand what you expect from the job. It takes a while for new employees to adjust, and the mentoring session helps. These tips will lead to mentoring success.
Be clear with the expectations
Before you tell employees to start the job, you should be clear about what it entails. Talk about the job description. Provide the necessary resources. Start with the right foot forward and don’t set high standards.
Show how you do things
Instead of explaining the details in words or giving a manual, it’s better to show how you do things. Then, involve your new employee in the required tasks. People learn best by doing.
Be open to questions
New employees are also hesitant to ask questions. They want to impress you and the other people in the team. Unless you open the floor for questions, they won’t do it. You would rather hear these questions sooner than later. There will be fewer mistakes once you address the concerns right away.
Reward progress
Let your employees know that you see the changes and improvements. Saying “good job” or “nice try” can boost an ego. It’s even better if you reward bigger achievements. Host a funfair-themed event if all of your new employees did a fantastic job. It’s easier to host the event with the help of experts like those from
Take it easy
These employees are still testing the waters. They’re trying their best to do an excellent job. They might not get it right the first time, so don’t get angry or feel frustrated about it. Everyone needs time to learn. Remember when you were on the job for the first time, you also had several mistakes. The important thing is the effort to do better.
Maintain a comfortable environment
Avoid getting angry when mentoring new employees. Don’t scare them about the requirements of the job. Let them know that they chose the best workplace, and you’re there to guide them. If you’re going too fast or you’re not hitting the right points, let them ask questions. Be open to suggestions on how to move forward with the mentorship program.
Make them feel it’s not about the business alone
When you train new employees, you might focus too much on using them to boost the business. It’s not the main reason for conducting the program. You do it because you want them to grow and learn. Make them realise that they came not only to work but to be a part of the family. Otherwise, you won’t have an excellent relationship.
Hopefully, you will succeed in training new people in your team. Once the mentorship program is over, it doesn’t mean your relationship ends. You can continue sharing information with your employees and allowing them to learn something new along the way. Who knows? The people you mentored will soon be the leaders in your business.
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