The older your home, the more likely it is to need a little TLC as the years go by. Some upgrades to your property could be a quick fix, but others might take a little more time and will require a considerable budget to repair. If you and your partner have some niggling problems that you’ve been putting off, then it might be the time to consider doing some upgrades to make your home more energy-efficient.
With improved efficiency, you’ll be able to save on everyday bills, and although the initial outlay might dip into your savings, it’ll help you in the long run. There are several larger jobs you can do to make your home work better for you and provide a cozy spot that costs less to run.
Take a look at some of the most important upgrades you can do for better energy efficiency.
Replace your roof
Before those small problems become a more significant issue, replacing your roof may be the solution to your leaks and heat loss. This may seem like a considerable property upgrade, but it is also one of the most critical investments in keeping your house energy efficient and watertight. There is a range of roofing options from natural, long-lasting solutions including slate shingle, wood shingle, and concrete tiles, plus affordable options such as metal, steel and composite materials. It’s always wise to seek advice when deciding on a roofing project and experienced professionals can provide options and tips.
Upgrade to double paned windows
One of the biggest ways to lose heat in your home is through the windows, and those small draughts can start to lead to more significant problems as you struggle to keep the house warm. If your windows are in need of some repair work, why not consider upgrading them to double paned as this not only helps to keep the heat in and the cold out, it also provides an extra layer of protection for your home. To get the best deals, you can compare double glazing costs to ensure your home is warm and cozy all year round.
Update the boiler and get it serviced regularly
Depending on how old your home is, the boiler might need replacing, which will help increase its efficiency and lower your bills. Although this might be a substantial cost on the outset, leaving this issue could lead to larger problems in the long term. The rewards for upgrading this essential part of the home will outweigh the cost over time, and you’ll see positive changes in how the house is heated more consistently throughout the year.
Insulate well
If you have a newer property, then you won’t have to worry about how well insulated your home is but for older properties, this could be a big issue. It holds the heat in during the colder months and keeps it cool in the warmer seasons, so upgrading your insulation not only helps to keep bills down, but it can also help combat condensation and mold.
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